Scientists seeking to shed light on the mysterious death of the Italian artist in 1610 said they are "85% sure" they have found his bones thanks to carbon dating and DNA checks on remains excavated in Tuscany.A poster at dna-forums submitted this screenshot of the Merisi results:
Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio after the Lombardy town where he grew up, was a young man at the height of his career in Rome when he killed a man in a brawl in 1606, fleeing to find new patrons in Naples and then Malta, only to be thrown off the island two years later for more brawling.
The team's next stop was the town of Caravaggio to compare DNA from the bones with local people. No descendents were found but families with the same surname were traced, giving samples which were 50 to 60% compatible with the bones.

I ran the visible markers over, which yielded a 2-step match with a E1b1b1 (tested) individual. The haplogroup predictor also yielded E1b1b as the most probable match.
Image credit of Caravaggio portrait: Wikipedia
It seems it is an Italian E-V13, close to many Germans and Western Europeans (also a Greek: Mendeles): on SMGF among 56 close to this haplotype there are three Italians: Tajer Binotto, Ruozzi and a Doria, I put on Ysearch, and probably from the Doria from Genoa.
(From Worldfamilies)
Dienekes has posted on his blog the results captured from Russian television
( of some genetic data extracted from bones of Michelangelo Merisi
(Caravaggio). He is clearly YDNA E1b1b2a (E-V13). He has the very rare DYS390=27
which makes the link with the Merisis tested for me certain beyond any doubt.
This makes us think to the Italian E1b1b2a, that in other occasions I found
very deeply rooted in my country and doubtful an its recent coming from Balkans.
Among other oddities of this haplogroup in Italy I found some E1b1b2a with
DYS19=9: see Galliano (Ysearch E4U93). On YHRD there are two guys with DYS19=9
tested by Antonia Picornell from Reggio Calabria, who differ from Galliano in
DYS389=14-31 against 13-30, in DYS390=24 against 25 and in DYS385=14-17 and 14-18
against 14-19. Being the other markers in the modal, I think it makes us think
to my theory of the mutations around the modal, not being likely that very slow
mutating markers mutate from many steps and the fast mutating ones remain the same.
In the E3b project of Haplozone this cluster is E1b1b1a2-B. There are six members, among them
Galliano from SMGF I put on Ysearch as E4U93 (Cellier, Galliano, Junod, Ramondino, Schiffley,
Willoughby): 3 are from Switzerland, 2 from Italy, one from Ireland. If we add the two Italian
guys tested by Picornell who are on YHRD and a new Italian from SMGF (Villano), it is clear that
Italians are the most part and we can hypothesize that this cluster was born in Italy.
Vadim Urasin (Geograficeskoe otnesenie nekotoryx vetvei filogeneticeskogo dreva E1b1b1a2-V13, in RJGG,
2009, 17-22) says that this cluster was born during the 11th century BC. We don't know if these
datations a la Klyosov are reliable (I personally have always doubted), but clearly this cluster
demonstrates once more an irradiation from Italy to Switzerland and the British isles. The fact
that we find it in Ireland should make us think to a more ancient time, probably of some thousands
of years.
Antonio Villano (Italy): 13,24,9,11,14-18,11,12,12,14,11,31,15,9-9,11,11,26,14,19,32,14-15.3-16-17,
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