March 16, 2006

Chinese, Korean, Japanese

but who is who?

Answer: just as in the title.


Anonymous said...

i got a right guess :)

Anonymous said...

ez as pi

brandy said...

Interesting question. To those who answered correctly and who felt this was an easy test: what are the characteristics of each face that made you so sure of your answer?

ayou_texhnology said...

first thing i got off the bat was the japanese girl based on the way the hair is poofy and skin tone.

afterwards, the most pale and "cheeky" face would be the korean.

chinese by elimination =P

Anonymous said...


The first one I got was the Korean girl based on how pale she is and how she has a more round face with more cheek than the other two.

I got the Chinese girl based on her cheekbones and the same for the Japanese girl, but for the Japanese girl her eyes/eyebrows looked a bit different so that's how I could tell.

Everybody Dance Now said...

The Chinese girl has a less defined bone structure... A "flatter" face because of the lower cheek bones. Yet her nose has a bridge. Harsher lines on her face as well (jaw line)

The Korean Girl has the high cheek bones, but no bridge. She is paler and has even lips and a round chin.

The Japanese girl has medium facial features, but has a bigger nose bridge than the others.

The racist answer? Let's not go there. (lol I'm Korean)

Ewan said...

Japanese I got from the mouth and eyes, this was actually the easiest to distinguish.

Korean I got because the nose and mouth, which are both thin which makes their face look longer.

Chinese was quite obvious aswell, although I got from elimination since this was the last I looked at.

shiichi said...


First I guess Japanese first, she has a more childlike complex. But her eyes and mouth distinguish this.

Second Korean because of her (somewhat narrow) eyes and fuller face that reminds me of Mongolians (not to mean any offense).

Third Chinese because of elimination. But they seem to have more flatter face with a more cheekbone structure.

Jess said...

Korean by eyes and roundness of face, Japanese by the nose. Chinese by process of elimination!

Andreea said...

idk qhy, but i think the first one is Korean, second one is Chinese and the last one is Japanese

anjj said...

i had the right answer >D

barnicat said...

Right first time (ha!) and took me about three seconds. The averaging process takes out all the 'classic types' and makes this significantly harder than it is in real life. Subjective reasons...

The Japanese composite is the most easily recognisable - slightly longer features and seems to have more tightly held muscles around the mouth. The Korean composite has higher cheekbones and a less well-defined bridge to the nose but mostly it's an unconscious recognition by familiarity.

Odd that people have picked up on the light Korean skin tone? That's not my observation.

Jennifer said...

I see mostly chinese and japanese in all three girls. NOt korean face in any of them.

Takeru の 絶望 said...

You forgot that normal korean girls (who are not celebrities) have small eyes.

Paul Evan said...

I only guessed the Japanese girl correctly. Japanese is pretty easy to identify because, at least to me, they look more "Western" than the other Asian races.

Unknown said...

it's pretty easy to guess for an east asian. i think it's pretty obvious that the girl on the right is a japanese. i don't think the korean looks too korean but the girl on the left looks more chinese so the one in the middle can only be a korean.

Jennifer said...

I knew the middle one was Korean because of the complexion and nose shape, and I knew the last one was Japanese because of the eyes. The shape of the eyebrow further made it possible for me to accurately identify her as a Japanese. Then I figured out the first one was Chinese because she was the last one left.

Benon said...

This is all depends on sample of photos, they've obviously used only selective photos to come up with these comparison. These comparison can be altered in many ways.

Anonymous said...

Darn, I mixed up the Chinese woman and the Korean woman. I knew the Japanese woman was Japanese right away because, to be honest, she looks weird. I thought the Chinese woman was Korean because of her cheekbones and slightly more defined facial features. The eyebrows, however, threw me off for a while because they looked so wide apart (on the Chinese woman, whom I assumed to be Korean), but I figured the composite was made up of Asian-Americans, so I figured they'd plucked their eyebrows too much. But now I see there is also the problem of the eyelids being so tight and not having any fat on them, which I think is uncommon among Koreans. The Korean woman I assumed to be Chinese by elimination. But, yes, now that I look between the two, the eyes look much more Korean on the Korean woman, while the Chinese woman's eyes look a weird to me, being a Korean and not having seen that many Chinese people in my daily life.

Joshua Xiong said...

I got it right also.

1st one chinese because of.. Wind Struck
oh wait she's Korean
2nd because she look like my former Taekwondo instructor skins color
3rd because she's dark and more famine sexy

Unknown said...

1 Korean
2 Chinese
3 Japanese
For sure 3rd one is Japanese face...but in fact no face is typical. ^^

Anonymous said...

i got it right, i judged it on the eyes, koreans have virtually no lower eyelid that is visible when they eye is open, chinese are similar but have a bit of a fold underneath the eyelid and finally japanese have eyelids similar to caucasians

Sam Suhr said...
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Sam Suhr said...

In the absence of any knowledge of the methodology used in gathering the samples in each population, this quiz is worthless. It's a fact that in East Asia cosmetic surgery is very common, and for all we know these samples are skewed by surgically enhanced features in the sample faces used. For example, if one country's samples contained a high proportion of young women from the trendy areas of big cities and another's samples were more evenly chosen from different areas, or even mostly from rural areas, the former's composite will much more closely match the current standard of beauty, simply because they will contain more cosmetic enhancements, even without makeup. That's just one possibility. Another is that the samples chosen simply reflect the personal preferences and biases of the person(s) making the choices. That's two big factors, just off the top of my head, so as I said, this quiz is useless.

A girl said...

Yay I got it right! :D But not after much deliberation over the first 2.. The 3rd one was so obviously Japanese

A girl said...

P.S: i eventually got the Korean right cos of the eyebrows. They tend to have straight eyebrows.

Unknown said...

And no one realizes it is the same person?

Unknown said...

I got it right! Probably due to k-dramas, years of j-rock, and majority chinese international study programs.

I could guess japanese right away due to an overall smaller face & head, darker tone, and eyes.

I guessed that the middle woman was korean, due to lighter tone, rounder face, straight & thickier eyebrows.

It was more process of elimination for chinese, but I think I can tell from the korean face (which I was 99% sure was korean) by the longer face and stronger jaw.

Not to say that I think every japanese, korean, or chinese woman would have these features.

JL said...

I got it all correct! I knew immediately the first woman was Chinese by the wider nose and mouth, and medium yellower skin. The Japanese woman was my second guess, because she seemed to have more make up on. Korean was process of elimination, but I knew because her face was super white. Easy!

Anon said...

I knew Chinese right away, from the face shape/tone. Then I got the Japanese one from the eyes, though I wasn't completely sure, and debated a little bit on Korean/Japanese, but the lighter tone and face shape gave it away, so I was able to get it right.

JoshuaChua said...

Their eyelids differ, I can't tell by words but I can tell by just looking at their eyelids and the shapes of their eyes.