- Even when we are able to routinely sequence entire Y chromosomes, we will still not generally be able to tell apart fathers and sons as sons (via their Y chromosome) only sometimes have different Y chromosomes than their fathers. In a large number of cases there will be no mutations.
- On the positive side, relationships in the entire human Y-chromosome phylogeny will be resolved with an accuracy of a few generations. We will no longer have to rely on poor resolution Y-STR "genetic distance" methods to determine relatedness of individuals. The chunky huge haplogroups dominating modern Y-chromosome pools will be resolved into a hierarchy of more exclusive families and really precise patterns of migration and admixture may be inferred.
UPDATE: It occurred to me that the new mutation rate could also be used to directly infer the age of Y-chromosome Adam -and other haplogroups-, using the SNP counting method of Karafet et al. One simply needs to find out how many bases were sequenced in that study to infer the expected number of mutations/generation.
Human Y Chromosome Base-Substitution Mutation Rate Measured by Direct Sequencing in a Deep-Rooting Pedigree
Yali Xue et al.
Understanding the key process of human mutation is important for many aspects of medical genetics and human evolution. In the past, estimates of mutation rates have generally been inferred from phenotypic observations or comparisons of homologous sequences among closely related species [1,2,3]. Here, we apply new sequencing technology to measure directly one mutation rate, that of base substitutions on the human Y chromosome. The Y chromosomes of two individuals separated by 13 generations were flow sorted and sequenced by Illumina (Solexa) paired-end sequencing to an average depth of 11

Then if I have right understood less than 1 mutation over 1 million bps. Good. Probably this dislikes some our enemies.
The four differences were not over the whole Y but rather just 10 million bp.
I wanted to say 1 mutation over 3,3 million bps, 0,3 over one million, but we know that Y hasn't an uniform mutation rate, then there will be region with an higher and others with a lower mutation rate. But probably, if I have right understood, not all mutations are fixed in the descendants, because, if they are detrimental, they bring to the death of that line.
Anyway the SNPs tested by deCODEme and 23andME are very stable, as after thousands of years we have no mutations. There is something that doesn’t balance. Or, perhaps, that explains what we have already understood: that living persons are the few survived form much more who are deceased, and they are much more in the oldest clusters of an haplogroup. For this we find very few old cluster survived. The same happens with the oldest haplogroups, who have always less SNPs than the younger ones.
Then our calculation, your calculation, must be thought again. This was, and will be, the enemy’s sorrow.
Said ad usum delphini: the SNPs that lack are the dark matter of the Universe, are the detrimental ones, and the lines survived are those that by chance have so far avoided those reefs.
This till Y will survive.
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