June 09, 2010

Guess the origin of another composite man

Here are the poll results:


Maju said...

Kurdish for me: he is like the lost brother of Abdullah Ocalan, mustache and all. :)

I considered Turkish too but these are often more like average Europeans.

pconroy said...

I hit Kurd immediately, as this is the general picture I have of Kurds - though on a second look he could he Turk

ashraf said...

Most likely a Kurd, and probably a kurmanj one(not Sorani).

Anonymous said...

I voted Turk

Marnie said...

Syrian or Kurdish.

Anonymous said...

Syrian or (Eastern) Turk. Not Western Turk by any strech of imagination, i.e. deffo NOT from Lycia, Ionia, Bithynia-Troas or Thrace incl Constantinople.

princenuadha said...

Syrian: I think he's from the western half. He's not Arab/south but he is too similar to Arab to be northern or Turkish. In short he seems Arab approaching Mediterranean, so... Syrian.

when do we get the answers to these?

Anonymous said...

I went for Turk here. Its all in the eyes.

Just wondering: Why so dark skinned?

Onur Dincer said...

It is mind boggling how so many people voted Turk for this man despite his very pronounced Middle Eastern and non-European appearance (I am not saying he cannot be a Turk, I am just saying he doesn't look like a typical or characteristical Turk). Especially Ponto's comment about the eyes shows how perception can easily be misleading.