March 06, 2015

Craniofacial plasticity in ancient Peru

Anthropologischer Anzeiger doi:10.1127/anthranz/2015/0458

Craniofacial plasticity in ancient Peru

Jessica H. Stone; Kristen Chew; Ann H. Ross; John W. Verano

Numerous studies have utilized craniometric data to explore the roles of genetic diversity and environment in human cranial shape variation. Peru is a particularly interesting region to examine cranial variation due to the wide variety of high and low altitude ecological zones, which in combination with rugged terrain have created isolated populations with vastly different physiological adaptations. This study examines seven samples from throughout Peru in an effort to understand the contributions of environmental adaptation and genetic relatedness to craniofacial variation at a regional scale. Morphological variation was investigated using a canonical discriminant analysis and Mahalanobis D2 analysis. Results indicate that all groups are significantly different from one another with the closest relationship between Yauyos and Jahuay, two sites that are located geographically close in central Peru but in very different ecozones. The relationship between latitude/longitude and face shape was also examined with a spatial autocorrelation analysis (Moran’s I) using ArcMap and show that there is significant spatial patterning for facial measures and geographic location suggesting that there is an association between biological variation and geographic location.



  1. “suggesting that there is an association between biological variation and geographic location. “

    At this point in time I think that it is safe to say that this “association” has been well established.

  2. Just out of question: Does anyone know what does "Mongola" and "Mongol" refer to in Dodecad? Because there seem to be two different groups test? Also does Mongolians with 100% Mongoloid exist? Like are there such Mongolian samples in 23andme?


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