October 10, 2014

Tomb II at Vergina belonged to Philip II and a possible Scythian wife

Remains of Alexander the Great's Father Confirmed Found
A team of Greek researchers has confirmed that bones found in a two-chambered royal tomb at Vergina, a town some 100 miles away from Amphipolis's mysterious burial mound, indeed belong to the Macedonian King Philip II, Alexander the Great's father. 
The anthropological investigation examined 350 bones and fragments found in two larnakes, or caskets, of the tomb. It uncovered pathologies, activity markers and trauma that helped identify the tomb's occupants.

Along with the cremated remains of Philip II, the burial, commonly known as Tomb II, also contained the bones of a woman warrior, possibly the daughter of the Skythian King Athea, Theodore Antikas, head of the Art-Anthropological research team of the Vergina excavation, told Discovery News.


  1. "the bones of a woman warrior"

    Amazon myth maybe not a myth?

  2. That is some major news. Will it be possible to analyze genetically ?

  3. Hi Dieneke (If I may be so informal),

    This is totally OT. Bell Beaker Blog has a link to papers by Mike Maglio on the origin of Y haplotype R1b. Could you share your opinion on the soundness of his methodology?


  4. Isn't Phillipos II remains have been already found in 70s?

  5. The Macedonians accepted 20,000 Scythian women from king ateas in a peace treaty. Seems reasonable Phillip got one as well.


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