May 05, 2013

Happy Easter


  1. Thanks, we've already had it 5 weeks ago. I almost feared you wouldn't want to wish us happy Easter anymore. ;-)

  2. "Χριστός ἀνέστη!/Khristós Anésti!"

    is better ;)

  3. One of the more pernicious lies is the Common Era/Before the Common Era. CE/BCE are merely the Gregorian Calendar invented by the Catholic Church to stabilize the dates for the astronomical seasons. The CE/BCE lie arrogantly ignores the Julian Calendar still in use by the Orthodox, the Jewish Calendar, the Muslim Calendar, the Chinese Calendar, the Hindu Calendar and other I don't know about. It is a good example of cultural domination and distain for others.

  4. May Freya bring fertility and renewal by fire.

    Happy Ostara!

  5. cultural domination and distain for others

    Those two things are not necessarily linked. Almost all of the time, homogenization of standards and measures is a very good thing, indeed, and I pity those who object for cultural or ideological reasons.

    May Freya bring fertility and renewal by fire.

    Good call, and sure - as long as she looks like Daenerys Targaryen. ;)

  6. Someone, as I, who looks for inconsistencies, I noticed one angel bears a cross.

    Now, assuming this pictures is showing the raising of Lazarus - isn't depiction of a cross a bit jumping-the-gun?


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