February 22, 2013

ADMIXTOOLS 1.1 released

A new 1.1 version of ADMIXTOOLS has been released. From the description:
ADMIXTOOLS (Patterson et al. 2012) is a software package that supports formal tests of whether admixture occurred, and makes it possible to infer admixture proportions and dates. It can be downloaded for LINUX (see documentation). The software package also includes Affymetrix Human Origins Curated Dataset. Write to Arti Tandon if you have questions about the software and for scientific questions write to Nick Patterson. The new release fixes a serious bug in qpDstat. 
I've used this software before and posted some D-statistics from it on the blog, so if you find any that look strange, feel free to leave a comment. In any case, I'll be using the new version of qpDstat from now on.

UPDATE (Feb 22): Nick Patterson asked me to post the following for users of ADMIXTOOLS:
Choongwon Jeong of the University of Chicago found a serious bug in qpDstat (computes D-statistics) that sometimes returns D with an incorrect sign.  If you use the program please download ADMIXTOOLS version 1.1 from  the Reich lab web page.  http://genetics.med.harvard.edu/reich/Reich_Lab/Software.html

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing tool, and thank you to all who are making it available to the public.

    It would be extremely helpful if docs included "Getting Started for Dummies" instructions. I.e., how to get this program running on a bare bones Linux desktop environment.

    What extra software needs to be installed, what is a C compiler that works for this purpose, etc.

    I have a funny feeling that nobody without access to a handy CompSci Dept. Unix genius is using AdmixTools, which is a shame.


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