July 25, 2008

Ancient Thracian mtDNA

The presentation of the results isn't very clear. From a cursory comparison of the results listed in the text with the Genographic project list of motifs, at least the following seem represented in the ancient Thracian individuals:
  • 1 individual seems to be 16129A 16223T
  • 1 individual seems to be 16145A
  • 1 individual seems to be 16186T 16190C (however, this looks like 16189C in Fig. 4, 186T and 189C are found in haplogroup T1)
  • 1 individual seems to be 16193T 16283C (16193T is found in J2, which also carries 16069T (beyond the region sequenced) 16126C (in the region sequenced but not found).
  • 1 individual seems to be 16311C
  • 2 individuals seems to be 16362C which in West Eurasia seems to be found in R0a and R6
Anyway, feel free to comment if you can make better sense of these results.

Rom J Leg Med 12 (4) 239 – 246 (2004)

Paleo-mtDNA analysis and population genetic aspects of old Thracian populations from South-East of Romania

Cardos G. et al.

ABSTRACT: Paleo-mtDNA analysis and population genetic aspects of old Thracian populations from South-East of Romania. We have performed a study of mtDNA polymorphisms (HVR I and HVR II sequences) on the skeletal remains of some old Thracian populations from SE of Romania, dating from the Bronze and Iron Age in order to show their contribution to the foundation of the modern Romanian genetic pool and the degree of their genetic kinships with other old and modern human European populations. For this purpose we have applied and adapted three DNA extraction methods: the phenol/chloroform, the guanidine isotiocianat and silica particles and thirdly the Invisorb Forensic Kit (Invitek)-based DNA extraction method. We amplified by PCR short fragments of HVR I and HVR II and sequenced them by the Sanger method. So far, we have obtained mtDNA from 13 Thracian individuals, which we have compared with several modern mtDNA sequences from 5 European present-day populations. Our results reflect an evident genetic similarity between the old Thracian individuals and the modern populations from SE of Europe.

Link (pdf)


  1. έχεις e-mail για επικοινωνία?
    ανήκω στο I1b (P37.2) αλλά δεν έχω ιδέα αν μπορεί να συσχετισθεί με ελλαδικούς πληθυσμούς, ούτε η μεταναστευτική διαδρομή μου μου έχει αποσταλεί μου φαίνεται πειστική μέσα στην γενικότητα της.

    Διαβασα τα σχετικά post σου στα ελληνικά (του 2004?) αλλά και πάλι δεν έβγαλα θετικό συμπέρασμα.

    Πόσο είναι το ελληνικό δείγμα που οδηγεί σ' αυτήν την κατανομή?

  2. Το e-mail μου είναι dienekes.pontikos παπάκι gmail τελεία com.

    Δες εδώ


    Γενικά θα έλεγα πως το I-P37 είναι πολύ πιθανό να βρίσκεται στον Ελλαδικό χωρό από τους προϊστορικούς χρόνους, ωστόσο το γεγονός πως είναι πιο συχνό στους πληθυσμούς της Βόρειας Βαλκανικής, αφήνει ανοιχτό το ενδεχόμενο κάποιο τμήμα του να ήρθε προς το νότο αργότερα.

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  4. They look very close to CRS, right? I have been checking for fractions of those sequences at some mtDNA utilities but could not find much of use (though H seems the less distant clade - but maybe they are HV or R0).

    Of the mutations listed, only that of number 9 had matches at http://www.genpat.uu.se/mtDB/ (more than 300, found worldwide - logical, as it has only one mutation re. CRS). Among the West Eurasian ones there is one of Lesbos, another from Crete, and, among the many Italians listed all seem to be from the central and southern parts of the country. Of the rest, many were Mediterranean (West Asian, North African, Jews - also some Spanish and Caucasian) but also many Finns. No Rumanians or Bulgarians were listed though. It might be a sample bias but it seems to be coincident with the findings of the paper.

  5. 129 223 could be hap I. There is one individual with a transversion at 16129 which is strange (it is found in U2e, but together with other stuff). So are the two transversion at 363 in two observations who also have 362 (a common transition instead).


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