June 10, 2005

Prehistoric African cattle in Iberia

A new paper indicates that Bronze Age cattle from Iberia already possessed some of the African haplotypes found in modern Iberian cattle. Therefore, cattle of African origin were introduced to Iberia before the Muslim invasion.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jun 7; [Epub ahead of print]

Prehistoric contacts over the Straits of Gibraltar indicated by genetic analysis of Iberian Bronze Age cattle.

C. Anderung et al.

The geographic situation of the Iberian Peninsula makes it a natural link between Europe and North Africa. However, it is a matter of debate to what extent African influences via the Straits Gibraltar have affected Iberia's prehistoric development. Because early African pastoralist communities were dedicated to cattle breeding, a possible means to detect prehistoric African-Iberian contacts might be to analyze the origin of cattle breeds on the Iberian Peninsula. Some contemporary Iberian cattle breeds show a mtDNA haplotype, T1, that is characteristic to African breeds, generally explained as being the result of the Muslim expansion of the 8th century A.D., and of modern imports. To test a possible earlier African influence, we analyzed mtDNA of Bronze Age cattle from the Portalon cave at the Atapuerca site in northern Spain. Although the majority of samples showed the haplotype T3 that dominates among European breeds of today, the T1 haplotype was found in one specimen radiocarbon dated 1800 calibrated years B.C. Accepting T1 as being of African origin, this result indicates prehistoric African-Iberian contacts and lends support to archaeological finds linking early African and Iberian cultures. We also found a wild ox haplotype in the Iberian Bronze Age sample, reflecting local hybridization or backcrossing or that aurochs were hunted by these farming cultures.


1 comment:

  1. Probably it´s important to note that T1 has been found also in the Middle East cattle (even in different places, though at not big frequencies) and while in North Africa have 63 different T1 haplotypes, Europe has 11 different T1 haplotypes, and both North Africa and Europe, in fact, only share 2 identic haplotypes.


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